Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Egad. The sun shone brightly for the first time in awhile and cobwebs (My bride Carol used to call them science projects) were everywhere!

One gob was particularly annoying in the corner of my eye as I lounged on the couch with my favorite book. So, I retrieved my handy-dandy cobweb catcher from the utility room and went to work. Everywhere.

That assault finally led me to the top of a kitchen shelf which still displays some of Carol’s favorite baskets. Yup! Cobwebs everywhere there too. They looked like petrified strands of spaghetti, neatly concealing about a year or so’s worth of—dust!


Reinforcements arrived in the form of my handy-dandy one gallon tank sweeper and that was that. Except, I then had to wash the baskets in the shower and spread them around the tub to dry while I crawled back atop the offending shelf and gave it a healthy dose of lemon scented—I think*—spray-dust remover-furniture polish.

*My sniffer has been broken for a long time now.

All that was very well except debris from that attack filtered down through the entire shelf assembly and required about another hour’s worth of my attention clear to the floor...

...where I was reminded the output of my fur-factory pooch had only been swept once already today.

That led to the second squad of reinforcements in the form of my wind tunnel vac which nicely sucks and beats the hair from the carpet, placing about half of it in the sweeper’s bag while the other half welds itself firmly around the beater bar...

...the repair of which is featured in the accompanying photo.

I’m starting to pray for cloudy days again.

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