Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Yup, that’s one of those in the photo above; another orb weaver spider about ½ inch in general diameter excluding its quite longer legs, of course. This critter, probably a female, was pictured working across one of my wooded trails one recent dusk.

When I stopped abruptly to avoid its web, I examined its silky lair and had no idea what kind of critter I had discovered. So, I did some careful photo exploration with the macro lens then promptly submitted an email enquiry to my favorite bugologist, Jan Ferrell, a naturalist with our Gorman Nature Center.

The black and white protrusion is actually the abdomen of this upside down spider.

Jan not only provided the identification, she suggested a link for some very informative comments. If you are really curious, click here and enjoy today’s lesson about some extremely interesting things that commonly, and somewhat invisibly, surround us unless we stop for a very careful peek.

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