Sunday, November 2, 2008


Regardless of how alert I try to keep myself to current events the change back to standard time snuck up on me this year.

I was wrestling myself awake this morning when the little clock on the face of my computer told me I should be back in bed for at least another hour. It said 4 something a.m.--a totally uncivilized time for that first cup of coffee.

I stumbled back to the bedroom to check the alarm clock and see what time it really was and discovered my timepieces were in serious disagreement.

The dispute was settled when I checked all three of the radio controlled clocks and they agreed.

It really was 4 something a.m.

After fiddling with the computer for awhile I flopped onto the couch with book in hand and soon my body was zzzz-ing itself back toward harmony with my assorted timepieces, which, of course, demanded I then wrestle with the semi-annual task of getting them all synchronized.

They included the alarm clock, range, microwave, two watches, a portable radio, the answering machine, the truck radio and the timer for the outside lights (plus the aforementioned "atomic" clocks which didn't need my attention)... absolutely insane collection for a retired guy who 95 percent of the time doesn’t really care what time it is anyhow.

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