Saturday, February 13, 2010

JUNK ADVERTISING and a clever creation...

Is anyone else as disgusted as I am with the marketing gimmick of stuffing magazines full of advertising postcards.

I guess witless advertisers pay these magazine people to foist this annoyance on their readers.

The first time I hit one of these I immediately turn the magazine upside down and shake the rest of them into a pile of trash.

Of course some of them are fastened which simply requires a peeved jerk and they also land in the trash.

Not only do I ignore the message from the clown who is paying the bill for this nuisance, I canceled, for a recent example, my subscription to Ohio Magazine because of this.

Can you see me dusting my hands in a gesture of good riddance to a couple more of life’s pesky distractions?

Then there is the bozo who runs a cheap furniture joint in a nearby town who every Friday pollutes the local airwaves with his pitchman screaming at the radio audience as if there was actually a good reason for a prudent consumer to buy whatever he is yelling about.

I’ve developed the habit of avoiding all local broadcast radio stations on Friday until this huckster and the stations apply at least miniscule standards of professionalism and class to their products.

Speaking of “class” a very classy Bellville lady, at a recent breakfast gabfest, gave me the gift (below) of the very cleverly created, melting snowman. She is Mrs. Larry (Jean) VonBlon and the “melting” snow actually is hot glue pooled in the shape of the icy puddle adorned with crafty remnants of the disappearing snowman.  Thanks classy lady!


Finally, Fogeyisms tips our hat to long-time friends, Nancy and Jerry Kulka of Mansfield who will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary tomorrow, Valentine's Day.  Both were high school classmates of mine and we have remained close friends all these years.  Thanks for the memories--and, hopefully, for those yet to be!

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