Monday, February 5, 2007


Tailgaters; the dangerous driving variety.

You know; you are legally rolling along in highway traffic and the creep behind you is so close you cannot even see its headlights in your rear view mirror.

At best, these cretins are intellectually challenged. They take a huge risk with no potential reward. Even a retarded gambler does not do that.

Worse, they put our lives in danger.

Imagine having a blowout at that instant, or a steering failure or needing to make an emergency stop.

Splat! We likely will be creamed by this idiot.

Even without the wreck tailgating is an act of assault—with a very deadly weapon.

That’s usually a felony and should be treated as such whenever it occurs!

Maybe putting a bounty on these brainless Neanderthals is an even better idea.

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