Sunday, March 4, 2007


I used the .410 shotgun to shoo a pair of Canada Geese from the pond’s island.

Already they were examining the terrain there for its suitability as a nesting site; completely ignoring my prominently displayed “No Goose Trespassing” sign.

Shooting from the upper deck simply produces a loud blast and rains tiny bird-shot upon them which is harmless but effective.

Yes, it’s a delight to watch them defend their nesting territory and raise their brood.

But, messy coexistence for months thereafter is substantially less than delightful.

Maybe I need a bigger sign.


Bill Neal said...

Perhaps a sign that also had your warning printed in French would help. After all, the geese you saw might be from Quebec province.

frststrk said...

Oh what adventures those Ohio pioneers had... I have a couple of books on the history of Put n Bay and John's Island and the Indians, and pirates and the war.. Quite interesting

frststrk said...

They travelved down your streams and across our bay.... sounds like fun huh.. no toilets however, or restaurants like Fazolis (spelling)

Craig Wolf said...

Never turn your back on the male.. Or you might truley understand the term of "being" goosed.


Craig Wolf said...

No spell check was used in the previous message...

Shut up with rebuttal's