Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bellville has an active Mayor's Court which is held in the town hall twice monthly. Mostly it deals with vehicle and other relatively minor infractions. Speeding fines can range from $100 to more than $200 depending on the culprit's velocity. On the other hand a person guilty of a first degree misdemeanor could face a maximum $1,000 fine.

In this picture the evening's customers wait while another pleads the merits of the charges.

Fogeyisms discussed this topic with Mayor Darrell E. Banks who described presiding over the court as "The worst part of his job."

Interestingly, Mayor Banks shares grandfathering duties with Bob Leach who has been mayor of Magnolia, OH for some 20 years. His advice to the new mayor in the family when Banks took office was "...get rid of Mayor's court."

Please stop by Saturday for our story and a hint of why they both feel that way.

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