Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Sue and I recently went ring shopping--for the "Friendship" variety.

We had found some rings we liked online but we prefer to buy locally. The rings we like are Irish in the Claddah style. Not only do they have a unique design they mean different things depending on the finger they are worn on and the ring’s orientation in relation to the person’s heart.

For example, ring finger right hand, ring design facing away from the heart: "I’m available."

...ring finger, right hand, ring design facing toward the owner’s heart: "I’m in a relationship," or, “Someone has captured my heart.”

...ring finger, left hand, ring design facing outward: generally indicates the wearer is engaged.

...ring finger, left hand, ring design facing toward the body: generally means the person is married.

This little technicality didn’t cause me any concern until the sales lady at Miller’s Jewelry went to measure Sue’s finger and Sue offered her ring finger, left hand.

I gulped.

We had often agreed we were enjoying a serious and growing relationship but neither of us was looking for a spouse.

I gulped again then interjected; ring finger, right hand according to the Claddah manual indicates being in a relationship.

Sue countered, ring finger, left hand can signify engagement but doesn’t necessarily mean engaged to be married.

I appealed to the sales lady for a ruling.

She read the Claddah rules just as I described them, and then pronounced, “I guess it depends on your definition of 'engaged'."

I opined I’ve never heard of being engaged without a marriage intended—sometime.

Sue responded persuasively, "Not necessarily".

We both turned back to the saleslady while noting a chorus of giggles from a young couple standing nearby.

The saleslady bought us some time when she said she would have to check on the delivery of the rings—in time for our target date for sharing them on Valentine’s Day.

We’ll get this sorted out, we chimed.

The young couple continued to giggle.

Good grief. This business of geriatric dating can be complicated.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck Terry Sue! Keep me posted.