Monday, November 1, 2010


I am hoping, nay, praying tomorrow is the day the US of A begins to reassemble itself.

Should conservatives prevail in taking control of the US House of Representatives there is at least a chance they will be able to slow Obozo and his ilk’s stampede to economic oblivion.

Should they take control of the US Senate as well they should be able to halt this presidential imposter and his cronies who seem hell-bent to remake our country into something our grand-children would never recognize as that created by our Founding Fathers.

Even then, it may be too late.

Wealth is created when a company makes a product out of raw materials. That creates jobs for both the processors of those raw materials and the folks who manufacture products from them.

Those folks then can afford to buy the products someone else has made. And on, and on....

Already, much of our manufacturing capacity is gone. And, big pieces of what is left are under government control.

That needs fixed.

And, we need to recreate a majority of electors who understand the wheels will fall off when workers do not do a day’s work for a day’s pay, and, bosses fail to understand they need to pay a day’s wage for a day worked.

We need an educational system that revisits the wisdom of learning the three Rs. We need a rebirth of fundamental civility and morality.

We need.... And on, and on....

Yet, is it even reasonable to expect our political process is up to the task of fixing us?

I hope so.

But, I am glad I am the age I am.

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