Sunday, February 19, 2017


One of the best benefits of geocaching is the delightful places and experiences it delivers as we wander from cache to cache.  Here's a sample:

That's Sue, also known as Skagway071 in geocaching circles, doing some photography in a large bush near Ft. Pierce, FL.  The amazing but common bush is a Sea Grape plant which grows in profusion in the sub-tropical climate.  Absent heavy rain the plant could provide a quite comfortable campsite.

Here she is again showing her consternation with this Rube-Goldburg style creation of a geocache:

We found this concoction of PVC plumbing hidden in a well camouflaged kitty-litter container in a park's palmetto scrubland.  The upper right side of the concoction was a tube, secured with a luggage lock that contained the log we needed to sign.  The only thing we needed to do was decipher the combination from numbers displayed on the outside container.  *Gasp*.  We'll be trying again someday--hence her consternation.

Not all experiences are confined to the boondocks.  Here we are at a fine dock-side restaurant in Port Salerno, FL.  That's Sue, lower left with our caching companions, known as GOC+me enjoying some nautical ambiance while our lunch is being prepared.

A week or so earlier we were at a geocaching event at the huge Jonathan Dickson State Park near Jupiter, FL where we encountered this theatrical gal presenting her tee for all to see:

And so it goes!

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