Friday, August 17, 2007



The state of Utah is in the Rocky Mountain area of the western US and flanked by Nevada on the west and Colorado on the east.

It is in the news as the site of the mine cave-in where six men remain trapped, their fate is unknown and three others have perished in the rescue attempt.

The highest elevation in the state is 13,528 feet and the rescue effort is near Huntington with an elevation of 5,800 feet above sea level. In comparison, the Mansfield airport has an elevation of 1,300 feet.

Mining activity is described as playing a “major role” in the state’s economy. Approximately 88% of the population of 2.5 million lives in the Salt Lake City urban area, leaving vast expanses of the state nearly uninhabited.

Free Fire by C. J. Box

This is a fast moving yarn about perfect-crime murders and political conspiracy in Yellowstone Park which a defrocked game warden adroitly solves only to loose his hero-partner to the custody of the authorities. I smell a sequel in the works.

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