Monday, December 24, 2007


Here’s a bit of a teaser for you blog shutterbugs. In this available light photo you will note the furniture and Christmas gifts are in sharp focus while, clearly, there has been some horizontal movement in the tree as evidenced by the highlight streaking.

This is 100% camera technique with zero software manipulation.

How was this done?

Give up?

Scroll down.

The camera was operated in the manual mode and the exposure was carefully hand-held at ¼ second, f 9 with an ISO setting of 1600. The image was composed and focused then the shutter was tripped and the camera was immediately swung on its horizontal axis.

Consequently, for the majority of the ¼ second exposure the camera recorded a sharp image of the furniture, gifts, etc., then, the late horizontal movement caused the camera to see only the bright lights; recording them as short streaks during that brief interval of movement

The lesson to be learned here is to experiment by pushing your camera to places you have never been, then enjoy the fascination of the unpredictable results of the creative process.

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