Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Shrillary is at it again.

Major news outlets Tuesday continued to carry the story of Ms. Clinton’s latest self-aggrandizing political remark--this one involving what turns out to be her concocted story of her “heroic” 1996 arrival in Bosnia while running from sniper fire.

Video news coverage of that event revealed she, as then first lady, actually walked across the tarmac of the arrival airport and had a chat with an 8 year old child and Bosnia’s then acting president.

While she is prone to flick this off with a regal hand gesture as a mere misspeak, evidence reveals she told the same pathetic tale at an Iowa event on December 29th and again in Waco, TX February 29th.

Fox News said, “That claim was repeated during a speech last which Clinton said of the trip: ‘I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into vehicles to get to our base’.”

“Clinton’s faulty memory was also corrected by the comedian Sinbad, who joined her on the trip and told The Washington Post he doesn’t remember any threats to their safety,” Fox news continued.

Later Clinton told reporters she disagrees with characterizations that she is pursuing a pattern of exaggeration.

Why does this remind me of her consort when he pointed directly at the TV cameras on that infamous day and said, “I did not have sex with that lady (Lewinsky)?”

Campaign utterances by either of this pair are often perilously close to qualifying as air pollution.

Folks in less polite society would call this latest one of hers lying.