Tuesday, October 14, 2008

--Second Grade Style

Grandson Eli (above on left) is a second grader in an academically high octane school in Jacksonville Beach, FL. Recently his teacher said this on the class blog:

"Today we were able to see the state of matter change from a liquid into a solid. We did this by making ice cream. First, the children measured the milk, vanilla, and sugar into their baggie. Then, they put their baggie into a bigger bag filled with ice and rock salt. Next, it was shake, shake, shake...."

Then she had the children write a letter to a cow explaining what had happened.

Here's Eli's take on the matter:

Dear Cow,

Today at school the children rudely changed me from a liquid to a solid. I made a lot of new friends. For example: rock salt, vanilla extract, ice, and sugar. I had one foe. His name was "plastic baggie." He was so mean! He kept me from seeing my friends ice and rock salt. It was long and bad!

Milk (Eli)

Grand parents are allowed to be proud of such stuff.

here for the entire story!

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