Monday, March 29, 2010

The Hack-in-Chief does it again

News reports confirm O-bozo used recess appointments over the weekend to skirt the Constitutional process of US Senate confirmation of presidential appointees.

One of those is particularly onerous; that of a Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board.

Don’t get me wrong. Fogeyisms does not know Becker from Captain Video. Nor are recess appointments an unusual process in the routine stench of DC politics.

But, in this case O-bozo made the appointment after his previous appointment of Becker was rejected by the US Senate last month by a vote of 52-43.

And this in the upper house of Congress solidly in the control of his Democrat party.

O-bozo’s action is a flagrant violation of the process of checks and balances built into our Constitutional government—an action typical of that expected from some banana republic dictatorship.

Then again, maybe that is where we are headed under this clown.

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