Saturday, April 14, 2007


With Speed and Violence by Fred Pearce

Kirkus Reviews described the book as “...terrifying...Important reading for...anyone planning a future beyond the next decade.”

Largely regarding the earth’s inability to continue to tolerate human abuse, Pearce said, “The current generation of inhabitants of this planet is in all probability the last generation that can rely on anything close to a stable global climate in which to conduct its affairs.”

Ponder that for a moment. --tw

1 comment:

The Boca Beagle said...

This comment is removed from: "A HUNGRY DUCK--"

Hi Terry:

Today I am on my "soap box."

Thomas Malthus published "An Essay on the Principle of Population" in 1798.

According to the Kirkus book review, this book is another of many Malthusian books that have not been correct.

From my own experience and research, I have come to the conclusion that "doom and gloom" prophets base their conclusions on the "zero sum" principle.

The basis of "zero sum" is the concept of limited resources that can be used up till they run out. Then it is done.

Experience shows we are playing an "increasing sum" game.

Since Malthus wrote his essay, our resources have multiplied a 1000-fold. Science now believes the universe will expand forever at an ever increasing rate. Moore's Law has held true for 30 years. Every time we near the theoretical limit for expansion, we find a new larger limit.

If we permit growth, we will find a way to accommodate it.
