Monday, April 16, 2007


I fondly remember the little White Castle hamburger stands from my days in the coast guard years ago. A new one popped up in Ontario’s shopping district recently, and I finally had a chance to sample what I recalled as tasty little sandwiches.

They are still little all right. A single pickle sliced in the cross section is an adequate size for garnish.

I had absolutely no sense of eating any meat on my cheeseburger. The patty appears to dissolve into the cheese which dissolves into the lower bun leaving you with a mildly tasty substance about the consistency of warm lard.

The buildings are still cute to look at. This one was clean.

And, the fries are tasty, but, if you like grilled hamburgers this place will make you regard Wendy’s as a gourmet’s delight.

1 comment:

Terry Wolf said...

Loyal blog reader Pat in Bellville called to agree with my comments on White Castle's current product quality.

He told me he used to drive nearly a 100 mile round-trip to the North side of Columbus to buy these little treats.

60 years ago that was the closest store to Bellville he added.

His more recent experience at a White Castle along the interstate highway was just as I described, he explained.

Sometimes I shake so bad it looks like my keyboard stutters he mentioned as he apologized for not posting his own remarks on the blog.

No. No! He did not blame his ailment on eating this product.
