Thursday, February 1, 2007


Our Hardware Store

Karen and Chuck and Brad and John, and other fine folks as well, work in our hardware store. And, when I walk in they all say something like, “Hi Terry, how can I help you?” And, 99 percent of the time they can.

There must be about 17 bazillion items in the store. If what you need isn’t there it will be on Thursday’s delivery truck. Need advice on how to fix your widget? Chances are good they can help with that too.

Once I needed only one electrical insulator. They only sold them by the bag full. Molly said, “I have some at home and will be there for lunch. Check my mail box this afternoon.” I did. Sure enough; problem solved.

Another time, my bride’s favorite recliner was poking her where she sat. A spring connection was broke. They scrounged around and found a substitute part. Cost, 15 cents. They ragged on me for my “huge” purchase; with a huge smile and a “thank you” for my business.

Now, a ponderous box store is a few miles up the road. A challenge I am sure. I hope my town will not squander the healthy future of our hardware by chasing the myth of bargain shopping at that indifferent retail giant.

Our hardware is a slice of Americana and it is right there on our town’s Main St., straight across from the village green. May it ever be so!

Norman Rockwell would smile.

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