Friday, April 27, 2007


This picture is currently making the rounds of forwarded emails and, if it makes your blood boil, it should.

Nothing is ever flown above our flag on US soil and our flag is never flown upside down except to signal distress.

Other photos accompanying this one show Mexican-appearing young people hoisting the Mexican flag above the US flag at a California high school--more than a year ago.

They were high school aged students protesting US immigration policy. Read more here:

While we tolerate free speech, and, even though this is old news and the students did not attend the HS pictured these photos are nonetheless conduct that should infuriate patriotic citizens of our country.

They certainly do that to me!

1 comment:

frststrk said...

California needs to decide whether they are part of our cOuntry or part of Mexico..Perhaps it would be better if California "would" falL into the ocean, as scientist are predicting...or let's run that fence right up the eastern border of Calfornia all the way to Canada !!!another idea... lets give the real , legal Americans
time to leave, and then give that state to Mexico ;that would of course stop all federal aid to schools, medical care etc...